Thursday, October 2, 2008

Challenge Set Before Me

Just been thinking a lot about the challenges I am facing in my work. I have been with the students for a month and have never been challenged professionally as I am now. I wonder some times how the "just out of school" crowd deals with the day to day challenges. They are certainly my heroes.

I am using 20 plus years of teaching experience to work through my challenges. But, most of my paradigms are useless. Coming from a different place. So maybe my "experience" is a detriment. "know too much"

What I do know, is that these are the most amazing students I have worked with. Just full of love and energy. Everyday I am coming up with a "new plan". Lot of quotes here in "this blog".

So another week comes to a close. Working with Yvonne and her program on Thurs. and Fri. We will dust ourselves off this weekend. Maybe snorkel on the reef or plant a garden. Hopefully no more wall shaking thunderstorms in the middle of the night like last night. Woke up to falling items off the shelf due to the explosion of the clouds. Awesome!

On Monday I will jump on my bike for the 5K ride to school. I will be wearing my freshly hand laundered and ironed pants and shirt. It will be fun to face those challenges...after a weekend of Rum and Red Stripe.


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