Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I'm Hungry!

I'M NOT HUNGRY! But one of my students is. I love to sit on the steps of my school at lunch and watch the boys and girls play. It is play unlike any play I have witnessed before. They run and skip and all boys and girls. The only evidence of "playground equipment" are a few jump ropes. In fact, I gave a chid some excess wire that was trash last week. First I saw it around someones neck...choke-playing. Then about two weeks later I was some children had fashioned a jump rope out of it.

So I am watching...loving the moment...taking it all in. The internal turmoil I experienced last year is not so present anymore. I love my school and it seems normal to me. It now takes visitors to comment in order for me to remember how I viewed it last year.

J. is a good boy. He looks old for his 9 years; like he has seen a lot. Maybe more than a 9 year old might need to see. He looks wise and acts wise, not often acting like a 9 year old. He doesn't say much and shows improvement in his reading when I work with him.

I am watching the children play and J. sneaks up and stands by my side, says nothing. I ask him, "J. You all right?" In a very reserved manner he answers, "I'm hungry."

Negril has been a special challenge for Yvonne and I. Many people beg from us and it is difficult at times to separate the people in need from the ones that are in need of things we don't support. Our choice. But, my man J. WAS hungry. No question.

We have been thinking about all the people we have come to love and really care about in the few months since we have arrived on this island. We want to some how stay connected. My thinking now there some way for the hungry school children to be fed?

We are returning to our land of plenty. Hopefully from our hands will flow our excess to J. and all his friends, maybe, through some sustainable lunch program. We will be talking about it on our veranda for the next 10 months. Come and join us and help us come up with a plan.

All the best-One Love


Erin said...

Heck yeah! Can't wait! I think that's such an awesome idea... I can remember back in third grade being so thankful for a meal one afternoon consisting of an entire can of Progresso soup (what a hog)
and a fat tuna sandwich. I knew that I was lucky to have that meal and I acknowledged kids like J. at that moment. We're lucky to grow up here in many ways!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!