Tuesday, August 5, 2008

luv di pikni dem

"Love the Children" After listening to 15 of my fellow PCT speak today, from the youth sector, I realized that if I can just love the children here, for the next two years, than I will have had a successful PC experience.

I have been so in awe of our life the past 3 weeks that I haven't been able to process it. So I will start here. The beginning. First of all, I am so amazed at Yvonne's ability to work with children, young adults in her case. She is working with 15 or so students in a summer camp; just getting her feet under her. She volunteered to put off a play with them for Emancipation Day. She only had 2 days to pull it off and she did in fine fashion. I will post some pictures soon.

We have returned to Kingston for another week of training. We are considered trainees until August 28th when we are sworn in at the US Embassy. It is a bit of a trial. Learning Patwa, meeting the endless requirements related to safety and security, etc. It is good and feels right as we work our way to that momentous day.

Thursday we return to the west, our home for the next two years. Negril is feeling comfortable. I am getting my arms around living in a tourist town. We have a job to do there. I realize that now. I am learning so much about just letting all my expectations go and just running with what we have been blessed with.

I will love the children here in Jamaica.

Peace and love


Erin said...

Yee-haw!! Go Yvonne! Can't believe you guys are making it all happen... the strong ones! I'm glad Negril is feeling more like home. Love you.

Unknown said...

You all are rock awesome...the weather here was so beautiful today, I totally am happy to be home! Miss ya!

PC said...

B&Y, good to hear there's love in the air. You're so far ahead in this game!

We're wasting time in SD, going to the beach, looking at property, wondering if we should buy a shack in Hondo & forget this place.

Love, Kelly, Enoy, y Patricio

PC said...

i love you. kelly.

BC-YSC said...

Thanks for all the comments. Just so cool to have you guys share this with us. Our room last night never dropped below 90F. yikees. and hurricanes are coming.

Mary said...

B & Y,
We are envious and proud of you both. Your spirit and sense of adventure come through in every picture and description. thanks for sharing the journey.
Michael & Mary